The main objective of the skill development programme is to providesystematic skills training for educationally disadvantaged people, mainly to theCBO members who have keen interest in making handicraft as alternate livelihoodoption. It aims to develop marketable handicraft products into a sustainablelivelihood.
Experts all over the world are now convinced about the inevitablechanges to climate patterns, even if in future, greenhouse gas emissions can bereduced to a great extent. Adaptation to climate change is therefore no longera secondary and long term response option only to be used as a last resort. Itis now prevalent and imperative, and for those communities already vulnerableto the impacts of present day climate hazards, this seems to be an urgentnecessity for saving life. The communities in Sundarban are the worst sufferersof climate change effects on their lives and livelihood. In such a situation, asustainable alternate livelihood option is the dire need of the hour.
Our experts offered hands on training to more than 50 CBOs of Sagar,Diamond Harbour and Jharkhali Island on preparing various types of handicraftitems with easily available low cost materials like water hyacinth, newspapers,jute, clay, clothes etc. They learned to prepare photoframes, envelopes,lampshades, handbags, clay dolls etc.
Batik printing is popular not only in West Bengal but in other parts ofthe country too. So, our expert in this field taught them how to do thisprofessionally on various items like saree, table clothes, wallpaper etc.