SEED organised a free health awareness campfor the villagers in Rudranagar Gram Panchayat area in Sunderban’s Sagar Islandin the month of February. The health camp was organised in association withSagar Rural Hospital at Radhakrishnapur Lodha School.
The health awareness camp was attendedby total 58 villagers, including men, women and children. The purpose of thishealth camp was to create awareness about preventive health care for local CBO(Community Based Organisation) members, most of whom were females.
Specialist doctors and renowned healthworkers of the area came forward to support this health camp. Dr. S K HabibulLaskar (MBBS Kolkata) addressed the health issues regularly faced by ruralwomen. Initially he asked them basic questions like if the aged female membersof their family suffer from back pain, leg pain or cataract problems. All ofthem have one reply that these ailments were because of old age. Then Dr.Laksar explained them the other causes behind these ailments. He described themhow wrong food habits, working habits and extra labour can lead to theselifestyle related ailments.
Following this, Dr. Laskar discussedabout the regular health issues suffered by young women. He advised the womenhow to prevent these diseases by taking proper meal containing proteins, vitamins,minerals and above all calcium. He also advised how to take care of thepregnant women and usual problems faced by them. He stressed on theimmunisation of pregnant women. Dr. Laskar also explained the importance of HIVtest of migrant labourers and informed about several facilities offered bygovernment hospital that can be availed by the villagers.
Smt. Bhagabati Mondal (Supervisor, SagarRural Hospital) advised the participants about the importance of maintainingproper hygiene in everyday life. She suggested them to keep their houses cleanand make their children also realise the value of cleanliness. Smt. Mondaladvised them to use clean and safe water for drinking, cooking and washingclothes. She explained how 70% of the diseases are caused by polluted water.
Smt. Tapati Khara (First ANM, Kamalpur1) advised on consuming only boiled water as it can avoid germ infection. Sheasked them to cut their nails at regular interval as it is unhygienic to havelong nails for a long time. Smt. Khara discussed about the importance of usingsoap and shampoo regularly.
Smt. Durga Das (First ANM,Radhakrishnapur) stressed on the immunization of the new born, which includesPulse-Polio, Cholera vaccine etc. She also informed the participants that inthe last few years there was no new cases of polio in the Radhakrishnapurvillage.
The participating CBO members ofRudranagar GP were very happy and confident at the end of the day as they gotenriched with valuable health related information.